The FIX YA FACE - Inner Beauty & Outer Wellness Blog hopes that you are living with consistent steps to rejuvenate your spirit and new ideas that will lead to your desired future. Living is a gift so go unwrap something great and new about yourself. It's never too late to love & learn starting from within.
If we have to maneuver within a series of ups and downs. Catch me on the up swing because I will not stay down. And if you see me there- please DO something encouraging because that's not where I need to be. Nothing about feeling down is attractive, productive or fun. It doesn't induce a action-only a standstill pause. I have never been friends with Misery. Oh, but I have met her before. The company she seeks is not over here. Sometimes we have to refuse, lose and use. Refuse to take on negative energy/conversations -no matter who is giving it. Lose the idea of the impossible-by rephrasing your words with possibilities. Use all our abilities to move forward in the plan of our goals.
Exercise of the month-smile. Yes SMILE:) This is a warm up to the hot success that you are about to embark on. Smile to yourself, where you stand, seated at your desk or if you walking while viewing FYF on your blackberry. This action will have you thinking of something or someone goood. Hmm hmm good, lol. Let this action give a feeling to move you forward today. Close that deal, make that call, meet with those investors, change that hair color or tell him yes (whatever the question may be, lol). Why smile to yourself? Because YOU are in action with this action. No turning back- results are straight ahead. Moving forward is now inevitable:):) Let me be one of the first to say congratulations on what you are about to achieve:) Have fun. Have faith and FIX YA FACE!
On the 17th, if you have a chance to send a smile to a great father (figure) on Father's Day, please do so. The impact that my daddy has had on me is immeasurable and I think about him everyday. Even though he hasn't been in the physical form here for 5 1/2 years, I know he is thee main angel smiling at me.
-Marcella Precise
A Beautiful Mind welcomes to the interview chair: The Co-Owner of the Mixing & Recording complex SMT Studios.....Donna Dragotta. Along with the Chief Operating Officer of the Victoria Agency- Creative Services, Entertainment Marketing and Event Planning ....Angela Hunte. These Ladies are charming, driven and moving forward into their goals with an open mind. Their personalities are very vibrant and I hope you enjoy reading a glimpse of how they persist to thrive.
SHE DID IT!! Hard work, sincerity and dedication of women across the world are honored here. Send us an email about 1 you know. SOMEONE'S IN LOVE AND GETTING MARRIED AT THE SAME TIME! PLUS WE HAVE BIRTHDAY GIRLS AND NEW GRADUATES!A Beautiful Mind welcomes to the interview chair: The Co-Owner of the Mixing & Recording complex SMT Studios.....Donna Dragotta. Along with the Chief Operating Officer of the Victoria Agency- Creative Services, Entertainment Marketing and Event Planning ....Angela Hunte. These Ladies are charming, driven and moving forward into their goals with an open mind. Their personalities are very vibrant and I hope you enjoy reading a glimpse of how they persist to thrive.
*LeeLa's Corner* Ladiees! The Guys are on board! Letting Leela know how we're looking out there! Scroll down to read one's perspective so far. Leela, as always, also has a few words to share. Keep the emails coming and she'll keep the good vibes going.
The Fix Ya Face Inner Beauty/Outer Wellness Blog is for those that will do their best to
Feel & Look their best from this point on
FROM BOYS TO MEN! FYF salutes you. JUNE is National Father's Month!
Re JUNE venate your spirit and live...Friday
June 1, 2007
June 1, 2007

It is such a pleasure to experience the foods that the land has to offer. The health benefits are in abundance and I hope that you all partake in the summer delights. This June try a festival, plant a flower or go see a waterfall. Feed your mind with spiritual goodies too. It's okay to reboot and revive! Nothing lasts forever but everything can have a lasting impression. Aim to impress yourself. Maybe you'll be surprised to see whose watching and is just as impressed:) The only thing here that is feeling blue is the new Fruit of The Month. This tiny cutey fits in well in the mouth for immense pleasure. Careful it may leave it's mark on your tongue (who said that?, lol) It'll have your hand working overtime (you know what I mean,lol) And I hope you know that we can only be talking about the blueberry.
Blueberries at my neighborhood market have various prices based on container size I believe. Look for the sales to match the quality. Once again, you may even have a favorite fruit stand (or fruit fair) that you like to travel to. Make it a walk, make it a day but whatever you do..make a little effort to get what you like.
Blueberries lower cholesterol, aid in preventing urinary tract infection and contain antioxidants that help to reduce the risk of cancer. High in Vitamin K (helps the body absorb other vitamins), Vitamin E (helps immune system repair) while still having a low glycemic load (effect on blood lucose level).Summers bringing the goodness to you in many forms. No time for frowns, doubts or living in questions. Get some answers. FIX YA FACE and try it. Feel Good. Look Great. And do well out there:)
"SKIN ME" The RemixI place a handful of blueberries at the bottom of a few short 8 oz. wine glasses THEN a thin layer of whip cream in the. Mixed pineapple chunks (sliced in half), tiny apple slices and raisins. Drizzled pineapple juice to the mixture before scooping the fruits on top of the whip cream layer. Spread blueberries neatly again. Then I did another very thin whip cream layer on top of the fruits. Sat the glasses in the freezer for 5 minutes and shared with our guests. The May 07 "Skin Me" entry has been Remixed, re-served and enjoyed:) The whip cream is still goooood. It's best to have sugar in moderation so don't overdue it if you try it:)
(Please use your own personal discretion /caution if you are allergic, sensitive or unsure.)
Peppermint Pedi Foaming Foot Scrub by NIC'S NATURALS

...was given to me by Nic of NicsNaturals.com. This minty refreshing exfoliant was a joy from toe to toe, leaving a smooth finish. The fusion of lavender, rosemary, mint and chamomile provided a home spa feel. (And you know I LOVE the home spa feeling) Nicely priced, gentle and effective. I am on my open toe shoe game! And this a part of the 1st quarter(You see me, lol ). I am good to my E Pucci's, Gucci's, PayLess and Joan & David but if I'm not real good to my feet-none of those will be good to me. This ones a keeper:)
A Beautiful Mind welcomes
Angela Hunte
Angela Hunte

1. What keeps you feeling beautiful? When I look good, I'm feeling beautiful. If its just me getting my eyebrows done or wearing a wonderful color that compliments my skin or of course a pair of fly Giuseppi Zannoti's, I feel beautiful.
2. What was your first favorite job/internship? My first internship was with Andre Harell's Nu America Agency. NA represented photographers and directors. I was a liaison for photographers' to record labels and magazines. Along with alot of typing, answering phones and administrative duties for the C.E.O. Besides great business relationships, I attended cool industries mixers and mingled with great people.
3.What are your day to day activities? What are you most proud? Creating proposals connecting with sponsors and producing fashion week events for new designers. At VA, we research venues, follow up with celebs, correspond with the media for event exposure and book models to walk in the shows. For Fashion Week Feb. 07, Angela Simmons requested pieces from attending the Rosalind Gene Collection. Kelle Jacob from America's Next Top Model hosted and walked the runway.I'm currently working on Fashion Week Sept 07.
I ROCKED when I directed my first college play. We were close to the end of my show and one of the main characters didn't show up. What a night! I was extremely livid and wasn't sure what to do. My mentor told me it was in my hands. We worked so hard on it for months. I decided that, just like LIFE- the show must go on, so I got on the stage with costume and all and did her part. I went up there with-script in hand- and played the part. It was still a great show that got a standing ovation. That play was my heart. The actors and I worked too hard on it. I felt so happy after but Lord knows I was so confused and disgusted, lol. But proud:) That I made something going in the wrong, turn out right. Hey also- I had a Fashion Styling class with Pamela Macklin (Former Fashion Director for Essence Magazine) and she said that my styling project was fabulous! I was honored because this compliment came from such a creative and artistic women that's been in the game for years.
4. What do you do for fun? What NEW thing would you like to try for fun? I love movies. I'm a movie fanatic. I'm also a crazy shoe shopper. A pair of fabulous pumps can make a outfit. :-) I also love going to the theatre. One new thing I wouldn't mind trying is going to the shooting range. People I know say its therapeutic.
5. One thing on my Life List is is to have produced at least 3 feature films and have a successful television show by age 31.
6. What keeps you grounded in an ever changing world? My mother and my daughter keep me grounded. When I look at them, they make me realize what's important in life and things that should never be taken for granted.
7. When you are about to be approached, do you start Smiling (back at the person), Profiling (checking them out from the corner of your eye) or Styling ( feeling so good that you may not even notice them until they actually say hello)? LoL I have to say most of the time I have a face that says He'd better not ask. Nothing against the men.I love my men, but that's the face I'm Rolling with for right now. Keeps the crazies away.Lol. :-)
8. Who gave you 1 really good piece of advice & what was it? I've actually gotten some really good advice from one of my close friends and my mom. However, The former Fashion Director from Essence gave me a list of words to erase from my mental rolodex. Um, Cute ( if its not a puppy or a baby nothing is cute) and Hot. She said don't use these words in your everyday convo and you should be fine. Lol
9. Good Sleep, Massage or Bubble Bath? There is nothing like some good sleep, but I have to go with a warm bubble bath. That feeling you get when your skin hits the water is so relaxing and the bubbles just add to it. Its a wonderful experience! :-)
10. What word would best describes you? Survivor
A Beautiful Mind welcomes
Donna Dragotta
Donna Dragotta

1. What keeps you feeling beautiful?
Eating healthy organic VEGAN food! Trying to stay active as much as possible even though I spend much of my time the recording studio complex.Being with people I love also gives me a great boost:)
2. What was your first favorite job/internship?My first favorite Job was working at an Independent Music Store on LI called Music Den. Working there was great because I could listen to ANYTHING in the store. It certainly was the beginning of my career in the music business. It got me hooked.
3. What are your day to day activities? What are you most proud of ?My day to day activities typically involve me managing my studio. Every day and session is different, so my days can vary from completely hectic to me sitting and talking with some of the talented and amazing people I get to meet. Some days I do tons of paperwork. This studio is definitely what I am most proud of. It was years of planning and coordinating and hard hard work at times. In the end seeing peoples reactions and how comfortable and happy the space makes them feel fills me with happiness. Clients include Sony/Warner Brothesr, EMI, Shady and Aftermath labels.
4. What do you do for fun? What NEW thing would you like to try for fun?My job can be pretty fun! But when I'm not working, I like to walk around NYC, go to museums and galleries and eat at all of the delicious Vegan and raw restaurants I can.Usually my time off is at "off" times, so I also watch movies or read whenever I can. As far as something new, I think I would like to start venturing off for spending more time in nature.
5. One thing on my Life List is to go to every continent on this earth! So many interesting people are out there just waiting to teach me something new and re-calibrate my world view. I love being exposed to new ways of thought and living.
6. What keeps you grounded in an ever changing world?
As much as possible, i try to use logic and intuition when it comes to dissecting our reality. There is so much horror and fear bombarding us at every level. I try to keep myself informed on what is happening in the world, and research the history and "whys" when things do not seem logical to me. (I.E. pretty much everything on the news these days)Above all I try to focus on being kind and loving to every person I meet. All us humans have is each other. I pray that more people will realize this and start to treat their fellow man with respect and drop all the violence.
7. When you are about to be approached, do you start Smiling (back at the person), Profiling (checking them out from the corner of your eye) or Styling ( feeling so good that you may not even notice them until they actually say hello)?
3. What are your day to day activities? What are you most proud of ?My day to day activities typically involve me managing my studio. Every day and session is different, so my days can vary from completely hectic to me sitting and talking with some of the talented and amazing people I get to meet. Some days I do tons of paperwork. This studio is definitely what I am most proud of. It was years of planning and coordinating and hard hard work at times. In the end seeing peoples reactions and how comfortable and happy the space makes them feel fills me with happiness. Clients include Sony/Warner Brothesr, EMI, Shady and Aftermath labels.
4. What do you do for fun? What NEW thing would you like to try for fun?My job can be pretty fun! But when I'm not working, I like to walk around NYC, go to museums and galleries and eat at all of the delicious Vegan and raw restaurants I can.Usually my time off is at "off" times, so I also watch movies or read whenever I can. As far as something new, I think I would like to start venturing off for spending more time in nature.
7. When you are about to be approached, do you start Smiling (back at the person), Profiling (checking them out from the corner of your eye) or Styling ( feeling so good that you may not even notice them until they actually say hello)?
I am most definitely a smiler. To me everyone is a friend until proven otherwise.
8. Who gave you 1 really good piece of advice & what was it?This is a really hard question! In recent times, One of the pieces of advice that i feel is central to EVERYONE is to not let what other people think about you get you down. The author David Icke espouses this often, as does my fiance, Brian. I see most people, myself CERTAINLY included, falling victim to this, be it freedom of thought or facist beauty standards controlling your behavior. At the end of the day you have to live with YOURSELF! No one else can tell you what is right for you.
9. Good Sleep, Massage or Bubble Bath?You mean I have to choose? Good sleep is at the top of my list usually! Keeps you healthy and looking young!
10. What word would best describes you?Sweetly-chaotic
9. Good Sleep, Massage or Bubble Bath?You mean I have to choose? Good sleep is at the top of my list usually! Keeps you healthy and looking young!
10. What word would best describes you?Sweetly-chaotic
*LeeLa's Corner*

Happiness is a choice. Choose to capture it! Stimulate your soul with a good book, good food and good conversations. It's always a pleasure to here from you. Thank you for the letters. Below is one from the fellas and mines to the fellas. GUYS, WE SEE YOU! Take care.
Hello Miss L & Mrs. MP;
Ladies Ladies Ladies! I'm writing to say you two got it going on. I applaud the format. I 'm dating a young lady of substance, beauty and she's fun. My sister put me on to your blog. Last weekend-I bought My Lady- The Body Shop's Strawberry Fragrance Set, made the Orange Puree Pleasure (with dash a vodka tho') and put in a gift bag- SWV's 1st album (The Taj interview was dope) along with a card that read " I get so Weak in the knees ...". You get the picture. She was feelin' the kid even more! lol. Nah but really, I get down for mines. Thank you for not bashing the males here and making it cool for us to view it from time to time. I dig ya'll style. Peace.
Ken, from KC
I would like to take the time to say Happy Father's day to the gentlemen that view here. You are an inspiration to so many through your movement on this earth. You know when your doing a great job. And if you think you are-please don't ever stop. May you feel the worth that is deserved and designed for a man of your calibur. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!
Fatima RatcliffeOf Brooklyn New York
Fatima RatcliffeOf Brooklyn New York
On her June 1, 2007 marriage and move to Rochester. May your life be ruled by wonderful events.
To be considered for A Beautiful Mind, *LeeLa's Corner* or SHE DID IT!! Just send us an email at TheFixYaFaceBlog@gmail.com
Jocelyn Turner of San Diego California
Kalima Mayo-Perez of Queens New York
Sigele Winbush of Atlanta Georgia
Syra Copeland Of Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Because you were born...Great things were born
Natalie Chickee- 6/02
Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriquez-6/05
Beverly Hibbert- 6/08
Tanya Clark- 6/11
Assata Barton- 6/12
Cheryl 'Coko' Gamble-Clemons- 6/13
Michelle Decree 6/14
Liza Lucas 6/14
Dee Fashon 6/15
Mary 'Mae Mae' Lancaster-Ellist 6/16Nakia Core- 6/18
Kathy Taylor- 6/20
Shirley Prescod- 6/20
Euphemia 'Tika' Sumpter- 6/20
Reva Mac 6/21
Angela Hunte- 6/26
Delea Braithwaite-Jones- 6/27
Maggie D. Luvett-McDonald- 6/28
Natalie Chickee- 6/02
Rebecca 'Rain' Rodriquez-6/05
Beverly Hibbert- 6/08
Tanya Clark- 6/11
Assata Barton- 6/12
Cheryl 'Coko' Gamble-Clemons- 6/13
Michelle Decree 6/14
Liza Lucas 6/14
Dee Fashon 6/15
Mary 'Mae Mae' Lancaster-Ellist 6/16Nakia Core- 6/18
Kathy Taylor- 6/20
Shirley Prescod- 6/20
Euphemia 'Tika' Sumpter- 6/20
Reva Mac 6/21
Angela Hunte- 6/26
Delea Braithwaite-Jones- 6/27
Maggie D. Luvett-McDonald- 6/28
To be considered for A Beautiful Mind, *LeeLa's Corner* or SHE DID IT!! Just send us an email at TheFixYaFaceBlog@gmail.com
Reviewed by YAAY YOU
9:26 AM

Thank you you 2. It gets better every month.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is Woow..
ReplyDeleteA pleasure to read about Moving Forward. I too believe that is best.
ReplyDeleteAnd Happy Birthday to all listed.
This continues to be a wonderful and inspiring blog!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for it! Refuse, Lose & Use is brilliant and should be words to live by!
I was waiting for blueberries. ha ha.
ReplyDeleteThe Remix? Okay then.
Thank you for addressing the toes and the foot scrub recommendation.
ReplyDeleteI've seen some thangs go on since the weather got hot,lol.
Take Care:-)
Case and point- I was passed over for a "bit part" in a "lil play"-or so I thought. Rephrased my words to Speak UP about the part (meaning admit to myself that it was a GREAT PART in a great play that I really wanted to be in) I used your message of THINKING UP! and I got a call to have the part:):):)
ReplyDeleteSometimes the biggest doubt is the one we place on ourselves. Thank you very much for that FIXYAFACE.
Guurl, last month you & Leela had me eating pineapples, cooking with pineapples and giving pineapple juice to the kids lol. I love this thing here.
ReplyDeleteCongrats Ms. Dragotta and Ms. Hunte for making it to the interview chair!Have a good evening.
I love your hairstyles Marcella. The inspiration here is endless. I recommended it to some already.
ReplyDeleteWomen in diverse industries taking the time,sharing thier story. Yeah now.
ReplyDeleteHappy Belated Birthday Rain!!!!