MARCH 2008

Have fun, have faith and FIX YA FACE!
1. Drink more water. 2. Take a deep breathe. Say a truly thankful statement and proceed in your day. 3. Talk to a expert about your vitamin needs.
--Marcella Precise
As per Eatright.org, March is National Nutrition Month
Marrying The Mind To The Movement... Saturday March 1, 2007

This March, do what you must to take on your day and overnight! You deserve a head start. It all starts in your head, lead by your heart so keep going:)
Cooking spray
2 tablespoons butter, melted
2 teaspoons brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
4 large or 8 small plums, halved and pitted
2 cups lemon sorbet
Candied peanuts and fresh mint for garnish, optional. Coat an outdoor grill or stove-top grill pan with cooking spray and preheat to medium-high.
In a small bowl, whisk together melted butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. Brush mixture all over flesh side of plums. Grill plums, flesh side down, 5 minutes, until soft. Serve plums with lemon sorbet. Garnish with candied peanuts and mint, if desired.
With a mellon baller, scoop cheesecake into a balls. Insert lollipop sticks into cheesecake ball. Dip ball in either white chocolate or in caramel, and then roll in nuts to fully coat.
Honey Plums (as per Good Eats-FoodTv.com)
1/2-3/4 cup wildflower honey
10 slightly underripe plums, stones removed, quartered (the plums not the stones) Cover the bottom of a saute pan with honey. Place over low heat to warm the honey. Then add the plums, cut side down. Cook for 5 to 6 minutes or until the cut sides are slightly browned. Turn the plums and cook for another 3 minutes or until the fruit is soft but not mushy. Serve with ice cream.
(Please use your own personal discretion /caution if you are allergic, sensitive or unsure.)

...is minty sexy coool. Approach rejuvenating your feet as a personal joy, not grunge work. Their YOUR feet. Your worth it! Your winning! Your working! What puts the pep back in your "step" better than peppermint? The sesame oil, peppermint oil infused with kaolin clay create a soothing feel that only took me 10 minutes to experience.The clay doesn't dry so I was able to slowly massage it on and rinse off. My "step" was minty, I'm still sexy so it was coool, lol. Please use your own personal discretion /caution if you are allergic, sensitive or unsure.

Tell us about ALWAYS APRIL.
3. What do you do for fun? What new fun thing would you like to try?
4. Give us 1 thing that is on your "Life List" (something you'd still like to accomplish).
5. What/Who keeps you grounded in an ever changing world?
6. Fresh Juice or Green Tea? Chocolates or Love Letters? High heel or Low Heel?
11. What word would best describe you right now?


1. What keeps you feeling beautiful ? If there's a song that reflects your vibe, what would that song be?My children keep me feeling beautiful...they are such a beautiful reflection of love, joy and the most beautiful physical features from both my husband and I...their honest, unconditional and true love for me makes me feel like the most beautiful woman alive.Right now I am really diggin' "Just Fine" by Mary J. Blige. I'm pleased with who I see looking back at me in the mirror - both physically, emotionally and spiritually. I am not perfect in those areas as there's always room improvement - but I do feel content and balanced in my life...I feel "just fine".2. Tell us about PHYSIQUE COMPLETE, LLC.Physique Complete, LLC is a fitness business. We offer unique group exercise classes such as Boot Camp, Stroller Boot Camp for moms and their babies, Mom & Baby Fitness, Gentle Fit for pregnant Women, and Teen Basketball Conditioning Classes (which my husband Terry teaches). Terry also provides individual basketball training for those kids who are serious about improving their game. Occasionally we also contract out with other instructors to offer Zumba (latin dance) classes, Yoga, Toddler Aerobics, and Kickboxing. I also offer Personal Training in a private studio, outdoors or in-home training. I also do Small Group Training as well, which is usually a lot of fun for the participants to train together with their friends. I provide Nutrition Consults and also design Workout Programs. I have done special presentations for the City of Fremont as well as a local mother's group. I have also written articles on health/fitness for their newsletter. In addition, because of my former Figure Competition experience, I also make myself available to those who seek guidance in entering a competition for the first time.Physique Complete, LLC is all about balance...eating in a healthy and balanced way, training your body in a balanced way and living your life in a balanced way. We hope to inspire and educate while reducing the amount of obesity (and childhood obesity) as well as other health problems in our community by providing the various services that we offer.
3. With your successful experiences as a Figure Competitor and Personal Trainer allowing you to connect with people while enriching their perspective on health, what are
some of your day to day activities?Well, my primary job is as a "stay at home mom" and then I do my fitness business on the "side". I have two children ages 5 1/2 (boy) and 22 months (girl). Typical days might include teaching a Stroller Boot Camp class with my daughter in the morning while my son is in school. The rest of my day usually includes doing my "mom responsibilities" in caring for my daughter and my home. During her naptime, I usually take time to respond to business emails. In the afternoons I pick my son and we do homework, I make dinner and our family eats together. Then I rush off to teach a boot camp class and train a client while my husband does the bed-time routine with our kids. I come back home a short while later and spend time with my husband. That's just one typical day - but it varies depending on what day of the week it is (sometimes I'm home in the evenings while my husband is teaching a class, and other days we're both home)...what I love about having my own fitness business is that I am my own boss and it's the type of job that really works well with being a stay at home mom.Occasionally I might have a client who is a stay at home mom and I pay for a baby sitter for an hour while I train her at her home during the day. I feel I have the best of both worlds - in terms of being home with my kids and still earning an income - while doing a job I absolutely love and am passionate about.
4. What are you most proud of that you've done?I am pretty proud of the fact that I have been able to adjust my business to my lifestyle - meaning when I was pregnant with my daughter I implemented a Gentle Fit class for pregnant women/elderly/beginners in fitness. After I gave birth I implemented Mom & Baby Fitness class and developed a Get With Your Baby Pamphlet (including pictures of exercises that moms could do with their new baby). The Mom & Baby Fitness class was for moms with babies ages 2-6 months and it was such a lovely experience to be able exercise with other moms and their babies (including my own) - while bonding with our babies and using the baby as a weight for exercise. It was a priceless experience! Then after my daughter turned 6 months, I turned the class into "Stroller Boot Camp" for moms with babies ages 6 months to 2 years. Although now I do allow younger babies in the class as well.I feel great about my ability to be creative and find new ways to continue to exercise, make money and be with my baby all at the same time.I am also very proud of the results I have been able to help my personal training clients achieve. Their success really is my success as well.5. What do you do for fun? What new fun thing would you like to try?Fun? Well, I love the weekends - because that's when our family (me, my husband and our two kids) all get to spend time enjoying each other. We enjoy going to the bookstore to read books, going to Hobbytown to play with trains, going rollerskating and those special family outings like going for a family hike or spending the day in "the city" (San Francisco).I have been ice skating and skiing when I was younger...but it's something I haven't yet done with my family - so that's definitely on my list of things to do next Winter.(pix of our family)
6. Give us 1 thing that is on your "Life List" (something you'd still like to accomplish)?Business wise I would like to take my business to a virtual level to be able to reach even more people providing services without having to actually be present.Personally, I have always wanted to ride in a Hot Air Balloon.
7. What/Who keeps your grounded in this ever changing world?My faith in God and my family (husband and children) keep me grounded. My faith keeps me humble, headed in the right direction and reminds me of who I am and who I am not. My family are my home base that no matter what goes on in the world they are there for me and I am there for them. We protect and love and help one another. I feel so thankful to have them in my life.
8. What are 2 qualities that you prefer in a mate at this point in your life?My husband is a God-fearing man which was a main quality that attracted me to him in the beginning and still attracts me now. Besides that, at this stage in our marriage (we've been together for 12 1/2 years and married for 9 years) I have found it increasingly important for him to be able to be someone that I can rely on...whether it's just for him to be able to care for the kids when I'm training a client or for him to be able to fix something (or pay someone to get it fixed) when it breaks. It's those types of things that often communicate love and provision. Believe it or not...those things are often a precursor for greater intimacy.
9. Who gave you 1 really good piece of advice and what was it?I got some similar advice from two very different people...years ago I had a personal trainer who helped me to transform my body, and he told me "you look too good to be a b-t-h"...it sounds crazy, but it made a lot of sense...it helps to remind me that no matter how beautiful you are outwardly, if you have a bad attitude it can actually make you appear very unattractive - as real beauty comes from within. Just weeks ago my Pastors wife told me "you look so much like Halle Berry, be careful with how you use that power". Both comments kind of made me chuckle - but they both spoke to me about treating others kindly and realizing that other people might be looking to me as their example of fitness or looking to me with admiration because they think I look like Halle - and to be mindful of that in my interactions and use it to help inspire others. A great man once said, "with great power, comes great responsibility" - figure out what your power is and use it to the glory of God!One other good piece of advice came from my husband years ago about not allowing other people's opinions of me to carry a lot of weight...whether good or bad...if I allow myself to get "puffed up" when I am told good things than those same people will also be able to "tear me down" when they say bad things. I have learned to just focus on getting my self-worth from my God and not from this world, and to keep an even keel when I am given compliments or criticism. That has helped me tremendously!
10. What piece of business advice would you like to share?Take advantage of all the FREE online social networking groups out there like myspace, facebook, linked in and so many others. It's absolutely free and is a great way to develop new business and increase your exposure in a fun, non-pressured way and did I mention that it's FREE? - Free advertising, Free networking, Free, Free, and Free. On myspace you can even search out your target market whether by location or gender or other demographics.Think of it as an extension of your website...and designing a page on myspace is even easier than designing a page on your website...not to mention that it's so simple (and free) to add music, slideshows representing your business and of course - Blogs and Bulletins further advertising and engaging others in what you do...for free. In this online world you would be insane not to take advantage of this.
11. Fresh Juice, Iced Latte or Sparkling Apple Cider? High Heel, Low Heel or No Heel?Fresh Juice (only 100% Pure Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice or Fresh Pressed Apple Juice - no concentrate!)I am definitely a No Heel kind of gal...Nike Shox Cross Trainers all the way! I practically live in those shoes!
12. What word would best describe you right now?Blessed.
- What brought Yoga in your life?
It was two things that brought Yoga into my life. One I call “The Spark” and the other I call “The Fire.” “The Spark” happened when I was in physical therapy for an accident I was involved in. I had to get surgery for my knee and I was doing various things to help myself get better. It was then that I had decided that I was going to do more Yoga. Now before the surgery, I was doing a little bit of Yoga here and there but nothing serious. It wasn’t until 2001, after my therapy, that “The Fire” came to fruition.
I always had menstrual issues. I had the worst PMS and by the time I felt better, PMS was coming back for the next cycle. Somehow, my menstrual issues became worse after this accident. I would be literally “two steps away from a hospital,” these symptoms were so bad. The most frustrating part was that the symptoms would vary from month to month. Regardless of the symptoms, my emotional state was far worse than my physical state.
On my way to work one morning, I had such bad cramps, I had to get out of the train station. It was in the summer and I was very hot and in pain. I started to crawl on the floor, the pain was so bad. I knew I had to get some water. After I made my way into a bodega, I saw a sign that said, “do you have menstrual problems? Let Hot Yoga help you.” I looked up and I was right in front of Hot Yoga. I crawled up the stairs and came in the building, crying while explaining my story. They told me to go into the bathroom and wash my face. They let me sit down for a while and told me to drink all of my water. They also gave me an extra water. After I felt better, they told me to go home, take a shower and then come back to them in 3 hours. They told me not to eat anything.
I came back, took my first class and “the rest is history!”
- What is Yoga?
I have come to realize that to explain Yoga to the average person…what Yoga truly is…maybe a little overwhelming. So now, rather than telling people what Yoga is, I tell them what it is not:
· Yoga is not all about men and women doing fancy tricks
· Yoga does not have to be cultish
· Living Yoga does not mean giving up or lessening your faith. In fact, Yoga should support whatever faith you believe in.
· Yoga not only affects your body but your mind and your spirit, in very positive ways.
Factually speaking, Yoga has been around for over 5000 years and it originated in India. Hatha Yoga is the physical manifestation of Yoga…the “asanas” or poses that you see various people do. In the West, “Hatha Yoga” is considered one form of various systems of Asanas. It’s one thing to be told about Yoga. You have your own idea and your own preconceptions. But once you experience Yoga, then it is much easier to understand various principles of Yoga that are necessary to experience a state of bliss (ananda).
- How long have you been doing Yoga before you felt progress in your goal?
Going back to 2001, I had a $20 introductory pass that allowed me to take unlimited classes for 7 days. It took me three days of Hot Yoga to feel general progress. By my next menstrual cycle, I had no cramps. I was going to Hot Yoga once a week, after my introductory pass, for 6 months.
- What foods should be more prominent in someone’s regimen to feel the effects of Yoga and positive mental health?
At the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I have learned that your dietary habits should not be too restrictive. You should add and reduce until your body no longer has a need for a food that is detrimental to health. So to answer your question, what you eat is not the issue. The state of your food is what is now important. Start the process of positive mental, physical, and spiritual health by eating organic or locally grown foods. I say this because people always feel that to be healthy, you have to be a vegetarian or vegan. This is a scary process to move towards, especially if you’re a meat-eater and you’re going to do this “cold turkey.” Some people may not have the physical and ancestral constitution to be vegetarians or full vegans. Of course, increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables is key in health. But even these foods should be organic or locally grown to ensure that your body is taking in all nutrients and using all food as energy and medicine.
- In your opinion, what is the name and positioning instructions for the most basic Yoga move for beginners?
In my blog, Fight Dis-ease! Through Holistic Health, I am doing an “Essential 4 Series,” which is a collection of topics that I feel are key to achieving and maintaining health but aren’t really talked about by doctors and other experts until it’s a real problem. The first part of my series was on Posture. I mentioned Yoga as a method to achieve good posture. In that particular blog, I talked about one pose: Tada-asana, which means Mountain Pose.
Click on the link above to see what Tada-asana looks like. As I mention in the blog, it looks very easy but it’s surely not. Let me give you some instructions on how to do Tada-asana properly. I want you to follow along so that you can see how much work is put into this pose. We will start from the bottom positioning, at your feet, and then come up to the head:
- Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Try to spread your toes out as much as possible. Once you can feel your toes stretch, put your feet together. Now, the toes should be stretched out, with the big toes touching. Keep this in the front, bring your heels together. You may have to reposition your feet to make sure your heels touch, your toes are spread out and the big toes are also touching. If you are flat footed (like myself), then bring up where your arch is supposed to be. It might feel as if you are leaning on the other side of your foot, the edge along the baby toe. If your toes are properly spread apart, this feeling will lessen because you’re the weight of your body is distributed between the toes and the heel.
- I’m sure once you have figured out the steps above; you notice a change in your hips. Your buttocks have tightened and your legs are in a weird position. This is normal and what your proper stance should be. At this point, relax your knees. Keep them slightly bent.
- When most Black and minority women stand or walk, the stick their butts out. Following these steps so far will bring your tailbone inward. If you look in the mirror from the side, it will look like you lost some backside. That’s fine. To further understand what I’m talking about, follow the instructions above and now, push in your stomach, just a little bit. When you do that, you have no choice but to tuck in your tailbone, as this supports your abdomen for maximum breathing and your back for maximum protection.
- As we move upwards, try not to lean forward. Your shoulders should be down and your hands at your sides. Your back should feel wide. Your neck should be straight and your head should not be tilted forward. You can slightly tuck in your chin to get the proper head positioning.
- At this point, put your hands in the prayer position, your hands at your heart.
- The trick with this is the breathing. You should, at this point, feel very grounded. Your feet should feel like they are firmly planted on the ground. The breath, done properly, should travel through your body, supporting your feet and raising the crown point of your head so that your neck feels like it is raised (but should not be over-exaggerated physically).
This is tada-asana. Mountain Pose. Enjoy the feeling of being grounded and secure in your surroundings, which should calm your mind and ease your spirit.
- Any encouraging words can you share for those on the path to rejuvenating their Inner Beauty and Outer Wellness?
Since we have been talking about Yoga, I’ll tell you what I tell all beginners of Yoga – whether they are interested in it and haven’t done it yet or if they have done it before with less than stellar results:
When doing Yoga, you should never compete with others. You should never compete with yourself. Otherwise, you will never get the poses or any of the benefits of Yoga.
This should also be applied to everyday life. Everything takes time. We are individuals for a reason. What might be good for one may not be good for another. If you keep looking to the next person and comparing yourself to them and what they do, how can you do anything for yourself? How can you accomplish anything? At the same time, if you are too critical of yourself, then you will also stop short of reaching any goal or aspiration. Value the individuality of your progress…accept and love the pace that is set for you. Accept and love the journey that is YOU. Namaste.

Women In Entertainment Empowerment Network
For their March 29th, 2008 1pm-4pm Gala:
"A two hour interactive circuit rotation informational session with young women from the ages of 15-20. Each young woman will have the priceless experience of having intense, intimate and rich dialogue with dynamic professional women ages 21-50 who have multi-dimensional lives by making wise career and
lifestyle choices by following their passions."

As per "Activate Self Esteem"
Donate a phone, save a life
"Beginning in March, The Body Shop called for Americans to voice their concern about the shocking extent of domestic violence by recycling their old cell phones and our loyal customers responded. A record 115,000 cell phones have been collected from coast to coast, raising much needed funds to help victims. The donated phones will be sold, refurbished, or recycled, with proceeds benefiting the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) and the Wireless Foundation. Additionally, a number of phones will be distributed to approximately 200 women's shelters for dissemination to at-risk women who need access to a personal safety system when domestic violence strikes."
Pologround Ent. R&B/ Jazz Artist
Follow the “REGISTER TO WALK” link and join TEAM CANDY #3454
Follow the "sponsor a walker" link and enter her name: Candace Jones
Female DJ/Artist, VAITEA of ITALY
On releasing "The MissTape", a street album including a retrospective of her career and unreleased tracks. www.myspace.com/vaitea
Conscious Women Rock the Page:
Using Hip-Hop Fiction to Incite Social Change
A-one-of-a-kind curriculum
The Womanhood Learning Project (WLP) Interactive Lecture Series
A yearlong talking tour that serves as a space for women to discuss issues affecting women in Hip-Hop. Topics include Media, Politics, Gender Roles, Education, and Motherhood. This is a preliminary schedule based on existing events.
Part I – W.A.R. (Women Armed and Ready)!:Defining the Reel Images of Women in Hip-Hop
March 2, 2008 - 5th Annual NYC Grassroots Media Conference www.nycgrassrootsmedia.org
A 90-minute candid interactive workshop focusing on the role media plays in the portrayal of women in Hip-Hop, and the effects that women have to deal with as a result. Sponsored by the Hip-Hop Association
Part II – Uplifting, Empowering and Educating By Any Means Necessary!
March 26, 2008 - Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial & Education Center (NYC)
Event includes a press conference, benefit reception, and performance showcase. Sponsored by the Social Services of Hip-Hop
Part III– Herstory: The Power of Women Community Leaders and Entrepreneurs
March 29, 2008 – Sponsored by Urban League of Alaska (Anchorage, Alaska)
Because you were born...Great things were born
Mrs. Jessica I-03/04
Miss Osa Asemato-03/20
Mrs. Cheryl 'Salt' Wray-3/13
To be considered for A Beautiful Mind, BE MY GUEST, **MISS TY'S TALKING** or SHE DID IT!! Write us at TheFixYaFaceBlogazine@gmail.com

Go Drea!!!
ReplyDeleteLove the insight...
Ms. Precise,
ReplyDeleteI know I don't get here often but I just wanted to thank you for all of your support with WEEN.
Your soul is magic!!
Drea is my heroine! :)