A Beautiful Mind Welcomes: Author NIKKEA SHAREE

A Beautiful Mind welcomes

(VA/ CT )

7.  What/Who keeps you motivated in this ever changing world?

I would have to give that honor to my husband, Artist Julian Greene. He knows me very well and can tell when I need to stay motivated and work. You could say that we are both work-a-holics and keep each other focused. The joys of being with another artist is that they know what it takes to attain your goals and live in your purpose. 

8.  What are 2 qualities that you prefer and respect about a mate at this point in your life?

I respect that my husband understands my role. He had been used to being the one noticed when walking in a room, now we both receive the same amount of attention. I've been in situations before where people could not handle the attention that I get being an author and spoken word artist. He is able to handle it and strength is a must. 

9.  Who gave you 1 really good piece of advice early on and what was it?

When I wrote my first book I was blessed to have a conversation with Omar Tyree. He essentially put my on to self publishing. He shared with me very important information that gave me the confidence to just do the work and put it out there. I remember him telling me that everything a major publisher could do, you can do yourself and retain your rights. I've lived by that word ever since. 

10. What piece of business advice would you like to share?

Be true to yourself, your craft. Do the work. Stay focused and do your research. Everything else will fall into line. 

11. What is NEXT for you in 2015 and beyond?

Currently I am working on my eighteenth novel entitled "Murder Loves Mayhem" due out this christmas. I'm also working on pre-production for filming my short film entitled "Hostile" which is an adaptation of my short story with the same name. I'm working closely with my sister Ciara J. Lewis who will serve as director for the film. Together we have developed Kweli Legacy, an entertainment company that will bring to life many of my literary works as well as projects that she has written. 

12.   Choose 1: High Heel, Low Heel OR No Heel?  
        Choose 1: Novels, Biographies, Inspirational Book OR Blog ?  
        Choose 1: Fresh Fruit, Fruit Smoothie OR Fresh Fruit Juiced? 
Fresh Fruit

13. What ONE word would best describe YOU right now? 


Optional SideNote: In 2 sentence or less, what do you think of the YAAY YOU Blogazine? I love the celebration of people and success that Yaay You focuses on. Positivity is a must in order for our communities to thrive. 

A Beautiful Mind Welcomes: Author NIKKEA SHAREE A Beautiful Mind Welcomes: Author NIKKEA SHAREE Reviewed by YAAY YOU on 4:53 PM Rating: 5

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